Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

Apa sih arti cinta itu?

Apakah hanya sekedar rasa deg2an yg terasa ketika bertemu wanita? Ato rasa napsu yg muncul ketike ketemu cewe sexy?

Cinta itu lebih dr itu, buk
Ciuman Pertama

Apa bukti dr sbuah cinta? Rangkulan? Pelukan? Ato bahkan ciuman?

Ato malah sebenernya cinta itu lebih murni seandainya hubungan fisik gak pernah mencampuri indahnya cinta?


Gw jadi mellow gini.. ini efek ngejomblo saudara2..

Ditambah efek ngedengerin lagu ini.. Ini lagunya UNGU, Ciuman Pertama. Lagunya sebenernya enak, cuman liriknya agak mengganggu.

kucoba untuk pahami
cinta apa dihatimu
agar ku mencintaimu
untuk selamanya....
untuk selamanya....

berikan aku
ciuman pertamamu
agar kuyakin
kau memang miliku
kau mungkin bukan cinta pertamaku
namun kau pasti........
namun kau pasti cinta terakhirku

Jadi, ciuman pertama itu harus diberikan sebagai penanda bahwa cewe tersebut sayang sama cowo itu?

Padahal cowo itu (dalem lagu ini), udah bilang,

kau mungkin bukan cinta pertamaku
namun kau pasti........
namun kau pasti cinta terakhirku
So, cewe itu bukan cinta pertama cowo itu. Jadi, ada kemungkinan, (dan kemungkinannya besar), bahwa cowo itu udah pernah cium cewek lain sebelom itu.

Dan skrg dia mau agar cewe itu ngasih ciuman pertamanya, utk cowo itu???? Aduhh plis deh...

Nanti abis dicium, trs cewe itu diputusin, dan cowo itu bakal ngmg yg sama ke cewe lain..

Ciuman Pertama

dipagi sepi yang sunyi, disebuah tempat yang bernama nirwana yang indah. mata terlihat resah gunadah gelisah. terkadang dia duduk meringkuk dibawah pohon hijau berkilau beralaskan lembut rumput. kedua tangannya meremas cemas, dan terkadang dia kembali berdiri lagi kesana kemari.

belakangan ini mata terlihat lain dari biasanya. wajahnya yang imut lucu kini cemberut menelan senyum. bila malam datang ia hanya habiskan waktu diamben dengan bantal dan guling yang menggelinding. seperti bola sodok. makan ngga enak, duduk ngga nyaman. pokoknya serba aneh.

yang jelas sekarang ini memang lain dari biasanya. tapi semua itu tak ada arti jika aku terus berkata kata dalam sunyi ini. keluh mata pada suatu hari. lalu tubuhnya dibiarkan mencari sandaran pada pohon yang tumbuh di pinggir sungai susu. angin sorga hilir mudik dengan semilir singgah membelai tubuh mata, seakan akan membujuk gelisah. mendesah

bagaimana tidak menggeliat resah. teringat subuh waktu itu dia merasakan ciuman. ya...mungkin itu ciuman pertamannya. begitu mesra, lembut, dan basah. dan seakan akan ciuman pertama itu membuatnya melayang jauh tinggi entah kemana. belaian rambut lurus yang halus. serta bisikan kata kata mesra membuatnya hilang ingatan. tak terlupakan.

sejak saat itu kita kehilangan warna. jiwa kita entah kemana. menjadi arang bara api atau mungkin hanya air mata yang paling abadi. menyirami lembaran baru yang suci. bersama kita menangisinya dengan suara dan bunyi yang sama.

lalu air mata menjadi bah, bah menjadi tumpah menjadi cinta menjadi suka menjadi duka menjadi nestapa menjadi saksi menjadi siksa menjadi dosa dalam hati yang merana.

kita pun dalam tenggelam, dalam haru biru dan berharap ratap dari nun jauh di sana. Nuh datang mencari kita bawakan perahu Ba' mengarungi hidup baru hingga siang menjelang malam

miracle of love


The Miracle of Love was started in 1987 by David Swanson, his wife Carole Seidman (who took the name Kalindi), Gayle (last name unknown, but who took the name the Lady), and several other seekers. It is stated that David Swanson underwent a transformation when he accepted his body being taken over by an Incarnation of God, Lord Gourasana, whom he had contacted. Kalindi and the Lady did transformational work under Gourasana and were considered fully enlightened spiritual masters by Gourasana.

In 1995, David Swanson died (purportedly his body could no longer endure the energy of the entity, Gourasana). Kalindi then became the leader of the organization, and changed her name to Kalindi la Gourasana, with The Lady being second in charge. Since then Jim St. James has also been declared to be a spiritual master, with several more advanced leaders declared as upcoming masters.

In addition to the home center in Denver, the group has established communities in San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Asheville, Seattle, Chicago, Munich, Amsterdam, Perth, Australia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Costa Rica, Colombia, Iceland, and Switzerland.

After it's founding, the Miracle of Love gained members from other groups, such as Rajneesh's and Erhard Seminars Training (est). Kalindi is a former Hare Krishna member.

The most active members largely live in communal homes, guided by an in-house spiritual leader. They follow a rigorous regimen of activities and austerities in order to help them break free of their attachments to the temporal and material world. Those who continue living in private residences often choose to arrange their living space according to Miracle of Love recommended domestic guidelines.

[edit] Philosophy

The Miracle of Love teaches that this material plane of existence is one of duality, with inevitable pain, suffering, and death, to which we are locked by our attachments, and these attachments cause us to be reborn in a cycle of reincarnation. This keeps us separate from our True Selves and from God. They refer to the material world as The Illusion because of its deceptive nature, since it fools us into believing that we are separate and causes us to not be able to feel God's love. The ego is equated with the false self and the goal is to get rid of the ego to allow the true self to manifest.

The Miracle of Love teaches that people can break free of this cycle and achieve full union with God in this lifetime by surrendering the ego and separate will to God, following the guidance of the leaders, giving in service, and using the Gourasana Meditation Practice[2] to break material and conceptual attachments. The ultimate goal is never having to be reborn into this life again, instead remaining with God in a state of eternally expanding love, in a plane referred to as the True Realm. The Miracle of Love states that many of the people who have gone through Miracle of Love programs have reported life-changing spiritual breakthroughs.

Miracle of Love does not have hard rules or dogma. They teach that different people have different spiritual needs and each people must find the correct way to apply the teachings and practices to their life. They teach that there is no eternal hell and that everyone will come home to the True Real some day, that "God's love is for everyone"[3], and that God only sees our true selves and not the illusory part of ourselves that causes us to do negative things. Kalindi teaches that "Desire is Everything" and that desire for coming closer to God and the longing for home are key factors in our spiritual advancemen


How many sorrows
Do you try to hide
In a world of illusions
That's covering your mind ?
I'll show you something good
Oh I'll show you something good.
When you open your mind
You'll discover the sign
That there's something
You're longing to find...

The miracle of love
Will take away your pain
When the miracle of love
Comes your way again.

Cruel is the night
That covers up your fears.
Tender is the one
Who wipes away your tears.
There must be a bitter breeze
To make you sting so viciously-
They say the greatest coward
Can hurt the most ferociously.
But I'll show you something good
Oh I'll show you something good.
If you open your heart
You can make a new start
When your crumbling world falls apart.

The miracle of love Will take away your pain When the miracle of love Comes your way again.